2024 Year of the Dragon
The final days of 2023 were relatively quiet ones for me, filled largely with survival work and some much needed alone time. It wasn't a wild one, which I’m somewhat thankful for, as some sleep and rest was very much needed. A quiet end to 2023. Perfect.
That isn’t to say that I’m hoping for a quiet 2024 though! On the contrary, I’m hoping for a busy one!
But first, I’d like to reflect and give some personal thanks to some of the highlights of last year. Firstly, 2023 is my first full year with my Voice Over agent Damn Good Voices, working with them has opened up lots of opportunity and, as of writing this post, I’ve already got a new audition through from them! Currently have two projects in the development pipeline that I’ve provided my voice for! So, thank you Damn Good Voices!
I’ve also been studying with the Identity School of Acting and working through their beginners semesters. Starting this January, I’ll be entering into the core area of the school and will train with them for however long might be necessary to stay sharp. Just like a lot of things. It’s important to train in order to stay on your toes. Thank you Identity School of Acting!
Riding off the back of that, I have also worked with Target3D this year to learn about working in Motion Capture. With them, I’ve got a basic Motion Capture Reel out and hope that will net me further opportunities. Thank you Target3D! I’ve also completed my Standard Certificate in Stage Combat from the BADC! Training with the ever supportive Bethan Clark and Robin Hellier. So thank you BADC!
And also, for the friends and family reading through this. Thank you to you! As your support and company will always be treasured. Let the good times roll onwards for years to come. Much love and good health to one and all!
Now let's look at 2024! For those that follow East Asian Horoscopes, it’ll be the year of the Dragon! Now, in fairness, I have never been a huge follower of the horoscopes myself but a Dragon Year sounds as good a year as any to pull out the stops and really go for it. I’m hoping for a sprinkling of good luck in there too!
My professional goals for this year include:
Further acting training. Including general skills and some more specialist ones if I can work them in.
Getting back to a Martial Art. Some reshuffles in my schedule have opened up some opportunity to get back to classes.
Following up on every opportunity that comes my way with as much vim and vigorous as I can muster. Here, I recognise I’m not in control of the auditions coming in but I can do my best with what I do get.
And some personal ones:
Getting out of the UK awhile and hopefully seeing friends and family in Malaysia.
Working on my health a little more. Sleep, rest, exercise and diet!
Solidifying a YouTube presence. Largely as a hobby thing to support the acting but also to keep the media skills sharp too.
Be more social this year! I would like to be able to get out just that little more.
Now then! Time to get doing! Best of Fortune to all!